Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Year...

And so it begins.  A new year full of possibilities has begun, though the first few weeks have been squandered away already.  As with the beginning of every New Year, I as well as everyone else make what are known as "New Year Resolutions" and try my best to fulfill them.  Unfortunately if you were to ask me what my resolutions were last year I would truthfully say I have no idea whatsoever.  That being said I have made a resolution this year that I will try my utmost to keep.  And this is where the blog finally comes into play.  I have decided to create this blog for the sole purpose of writing.  This writing is mainly for my own benefit, but others are welcome to read and enjoy a glimpse into the chaos I call my mind. 

I am now putting forth some disclaimers regarding this blog for anyone who is daring enough to read it. First and foremost there will probably be no apparent theme to this blog, some posts might be updates on my life or I might use the space to write a book review or a short story of my own imagination. Therefore most likely taking the posts in a unified group, everything will seem kind of random.  The second disclaimer would be that though I hope to update this blog weekly that is no guarantee or promise on my behalf.  Third disclaimer would be that I know the blog looks kind of blah at the moment, but I will improve it with time, hopefully. Those are the only disclaimers that I can come up with at the moment though I am sure there are others to come.  

So now to truly begin my blogging experience I will give you a quick glimpse of who I am.  Right now I am majoring in Chemistry at the University of Utah and enjoying every aspect of it.  This year of schooling has been wonderful and very different from last year when I was majoring in a performing art which I also loved, but it wasn't for me.  Besides school I work, play, and study.  That's about all I have time for.  I love to dance with all my heart though I am not taking any classes at present.  I am also a connoisseur of books (if that's even plausible), better known as being a book worm.  That pretty much sums me up in a nutshell, a very tiny nutshell, for there are many more things I could tell you about myself if I felt the desire.  Overall  I love my family, friends, and most of all I just love living life!